Temperature and concentrationdependence of the effective diffusion coefficient of methane inthe gas system H2-N2+CH4


  • Н. Нұрмаханов
  • А.Б. Қалиахмет
  • C. Иқласова
  • М.Қ. Әсембаева
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Designed temperature and concentration dependence of the ECD ofgas of which consists of methane at different concentrations, and in thetemperature range 298 - 1000 K. ECD methane calculated on the basis ofthe theory of Stefan-Maxwell in different concentrations. In binarydiffusion, such a comparison is possible, since enough of the experiment,when a multicomponent mass transfer is more difficult to do because ofthe lack of experimental data. This work was carried out to compare theefficacy of the diffusion coefficients obtained stationary, MDB anddvuhkolbovym method for system gas H2-N2+CH4 in differentconcentrations, which is used as a pure methane gas. Just use theadvantages of efficient mass transfer coefficients in the description.






Thermal Physics and Theoretical Thermal Engineering