Penetration of charges through the surface of water


  • A.A. Levchenko Institute of Solid State Physics RAS, Chernogolovka, Moscow region, 142432, Russia
  • D.A. Khramov Institute of Solid State Physics RAS, Chernogolovka, Moscow region; Astrakhan State University, Russia
  • V.B. Shikin Institute of Solid State Physics RAS, Chernogolovka, Moscow region, 142432, Russia
  • A.M. Likhter Astrakhan State University, Russia
  • V.A. Gryasnova Astrakhan State University, Russia
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Ключевые слова:

Water surface charge, charge carrier semiconductor


The general goal of this project is experimental investigation of the properties of intrinsic (electric) The general problem of this project is experimental investigation of the properties of intrinsic (electric) carriers in water and development of statistics of liquid electrolytes by analogy with semiconductor statistics. In water and development of statistics of liquid electrolytes by analogy with semiconductor statistics.

Библиографические ссылки

1 Л. Ландау, Е.Лифшиц Статистическая физика. – М.: Наука, 1995.- 605 с.

2 R.Robinson, R.Stokes, ElectrolyteSolutions. –London, ButterworthsScientificPublications, 1959.

3 J-P. Hansen, L. McDonald, Theory of Simple Liquids. – Elsevier, 2005. – 416 p.

4 Дж.Блекмор Статистика электронов в полупроводниках. – М.: Мир. – 392 с.

5 N.Fletcher The Chemical Physics of Ice. – Cambridge University Press, 1970. – 271 p.


Как цитировать

Levchenko, A., Khramov, D., Shikin, V., Likhter, A., & Gryasnova, V. (2015). Penetration of charges through the surface of water. Вестник. Серия Физическая (ВКФ), 50(3), 66–67. извлечено от



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