The creation of visualization system for dynamics of dusty plasma particles on the basis of OpenGL
In work the program allowing in a flexible dialogue mode to investigate structural, dynamic properties of dusty plasma on the basis of a computer method of langevin dynamics is described, and also visually to watch emergence of ordered structures in dust plasma. The program is developed in language of object-oriented programming of Delphi7 with use of graphic library OpenGL. The periodic grid with the cubic cell, filled with particles is considered. Animation visually shows that the particle leaving a cell through one of sides with a particular speed, gets to other cell, but thus the same particle with the same speed enters in this cell through a counter side. The user in an interactive mode observes driving of particles in a basic cell, thereby, having an opportunity visually to estimate its trajectory and a type of a potential energy of system depending on time. Also, control which using is included in the program, shift operators, turn, a full-screen mode, scaling transforms images.
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