Registration of rights to industrial property objects: inventions, utility models and industrial designs


The seminar is held in order to inform the public about the amendments to the standards and regulations of public services in the field of intellectual property and to increase the share of applications for industrial property objects.

   Representatives of the Department of Justice of Almaty, the Association of Intellectual Property Owners in the Republic of Kazakhstan, valuation companies with extensive experience in the field of valuation of intellectual property, the expert assessment center, the Park of Innovative Technologies, the Almaty Chamber of Trade and Investment, will be invited to this seminar, patent examiners and all interested parties.

During the seminar, issues of legal protection of industrial property will be discussed:

- Legal protection of the invention and utility model in the Republic of Kazakhstan.

(preparation of an application for a patent for an invention and utility model; claims and requirements for it; description of the invention; analysis of typical mistakes of applicants; procedure for obtaining a patent for an invention);

- Patenting abroad.

(international and Eurasian application; registration of international applications; patent cooperation agreement (PCT); patenting objectives and choice of procedure);

- Legal protection of industrial designs in the Republic of Kazakhstan.

 (industrial design as an object of industrial property; preparation of an application for a patent for an industrial design; application for a patent for an industrial design)

- Judicial practice on industrial designs.

(law enforcement practice regarding the protection of industrial designs);

- Legal protection of breeding achievements in the Republic of Kazakhstan.


(types of selection achievements; signs of patentability of a selection achievement; title documents for selection achievements; priority of a selection achievement);


- Patent information and patent documentation.


(definition, species composition of patent documentation and its features; standardization in patent documentation; use of patent information; reference and search apparatus; electronic patent information resources and databases; patent information support);


- The main forms of transfer and granting rights to industrial property objects.


(essence of the license agreement; types of license; classification of agreements, their structure and content; state registration of agreements).


The seminar starts on October 22,23,24, 2019 at 10.30 a.m.

The seminar will be held on a paid basis with the issuance of a certificate.

The cost of the seminar per person is 16485 tenge.

We invite all interested persons to the seminar!

Location: Almaty, st. Abdullins, 6/1 (corner of Zhibekzholy St.).

For questions regarding the seminar, you can contact the Training Center of the NIIP branch by tel .: 8 (727) 344-30-00, 344-30-07 or Email: