7Li(n,)8Li, 7Be(p,)8B, 8Li(n,)9Li AND 8B(p,)9C REACTIONS OF RADIATING CAPTURE
The given thesis introduces the calculations on the sections of a formalism of radiating capture cuts of 7Li(n,g)8Li и 7Be(p,g)8B, 8Li(n,g)9Li and 8B(p,g)9C reactions which are essential for nuclear astrophysics. Thus wave functions of 8Li, 8B, 9Li и 9C non stable nuclear in three cluster models we have viewed earlier.
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2. Сахиев С.К.: Расчет потенциалов взаимодействия частиц с ядрами в кластерной фолдинг-модели //Вестник Национальной инженерной академии РК, 2005, №1(15), с. 87-91.
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5. С.К. Сахиев, М.А. Жусупов, Сагиндыков Ш.Ш. Учет тензорных сил в трехчастичном расчете ядра 8Li // Изв. РАН, сер.физ. 2006, т.70, №2, с.240-242.
6. Жусупов М.А., Сагиндыков Ш.Ш. Исследование реакции 7Li(n,)8Li при низкой энергии. // Изв. РАН. Cер.физ. - 2002. - Т. 66, №3. - С. 392 - 395.
7.Heil M., Kappeler F., Wiescher M., Mengoni A. The (n,) cross section of 7Li // The Astrophys. Journal. - 1998. - V. 507. - P. 997 - 1002.
8. Wiescher M. et al. 7Li (n,) 8Li – trigger reaction to a primordial r-process? // The Astrophys. Journal. - 1989. - V.344. - P. 464 - 470.
9. A. M. Mukhamedzhanov et al. The 14N(7Be,8B)13C reaction and the 7Be(p,γ)8B S factor // Phys. Rev. - 1999. – V. C60, –p.055803. - 5 p.
10. L. Trache et al/ Asymptotic Normalization Coefficient of 8B from Breakup Reactions and the S17 Astrophysical Factor // Phys. Rev. Lett. - 2001. - V.87. - p. 271102.- 4 p.
11. N. Iwasa et al. Measurement of the Coulomb Dissociation of 8B at 254 MeV /nucleon and the 8B Solar Neutrino Flux // Phys. Rev. Lett. -1999.- V.83, p. 2910 - 2913.
12. F. Schümann et al. Coulomb Dissociation of 8B and the Low-Energy Cross Section of the 7Be(p,γ)8B Solar Fusion Reaction // Phys. Rev. Lett. -2003. - V.90. - p. 232501. - 4 p.
13. Davids, S. Typel Electromagnetic dissociation of 8B and the astrophysical S factor for 7Be(p,γ)8B // Phys. Rev. - 2003. - C 68 .- p.045802. - 7 p.
14. P. Descouvemont Reanalysis of the 7Be(p, γ)8B S factor in a microscopic model // Phys. Rev. - 2004.- V. C70. - p.065802. - 10 p.
15. G. Ewald, W. Nörtershäuser, A. Dax, et.al. Nuclear Charge Radii of 8,9Li Determined by Laser Spectroscopy // Phys. Rev. Lett. -2005. -V. 94. –P.039901
16. Y. Suzuki, G. Lovas and K.Varga. Study of Light Exotic Nuclei with a Stochastic Variation Method — Application to Lithium Isotopes // Progr. Theor. Phys. Suppl. -2002. -V.146. -P. 413.
17. Mohr Low-Energy Direct Capture in the 8Li(n,)9Li and 8B(p,)9C Reactions // arXiv:nucl-th/0304071 v1 22 Apr 2003.
How to Cite
Sakhiev, S. (2008). 7Li(n,)8Li, 7Be(p,)8B, 8Li(n,)9Li AND 8B(p,)9C REACTIONS OF RADIATING CAPTURE. Recent Contributions to Physics (Rec.Contr.Phys.), 25(1), 94–100. Retrieved from https://bph.kaznu.kz/index.php/zhuzhu/article/view/1467
Thermal Physics and Theoretical Thermal Engineering