Astrophysical, phenomenological and experimental predictions of neutrino masses, traces of new physics
astrophysics, neutrino's mass, neutrino background, neutrino experimentsAbstract
The crucial phenomenological and experimental predictions for new physics are outlined, where the number of problems of the Standard Model (neutrino masses and oscillations, dark matter, baryon asymmetry of the Universe, leptonic CP-violation) could find their solutions. The analogies between the cosmological neutrino mass scale from the early universe data and laboratory probes are discussed and the search for new physics and phenomena. It will be impossible to directly measure the masses of individual neutrinos from cosmology, but the discovery of a nonzero total neutrino mass in a future review is inevitable, as is the case with the neutrino mass hierarchy. Now neutrino physics has entered the era of precise measurements. The KATRIN experiment is known for directly measuring the neutrino mass until 2025 if its mass exceeds 0.20 eV. Several experiments are currently underway to observe double beta decay without neutrinos. In the future, if cosmological data indicate a smaller neutrino mass or a smaller sum of neutrino masses than the minimum allowed by the oscillations, this discrepancy will become an important argument in favor of new physics. A careful comparison of cosmological and laboratory results should always be made before combining them for a joint analysis.
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