Energy picture of the gravitational field of the Solar system


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Keywords: Mathcad application software package, potential energy graph,


 In the article, on the basis of the energy approach, the phenomenon of interaction between a spacecraft (spacecraft), the Sun and planets is theoretically investigated. To study the energy characteristics of the interaction of these celestial bodies, a hypothetical model was chosen: the Sun, Earth and Venus are "fixed" at the moment of the parade of planets.

The purpose of this work is to determine the values of the potential energy of a unit mass in the gravitational field of the Solar system at each point of a straight line. These straight lines connect the centers of these celestial bodies. To do this, we consider the movement of spacecraft from the Earth's surface to the surface of Venus and the Sun.

The regularities of the potential energy of interaction (binding energy) of the spacecraft with celestial bodies are investigated using computer calculations. The Mathcad application software package is used as a computer tool. Using Mathcad, a graph of the total potential energy of the Solar System was constructed. Using the computational capabilities of the Mathcad, graphs of the potential energy of these planets were studied. The operation of the spacecraft engine required to move it from the surface of the Earth to the surface of Venus (to the surface of Mercury or the Sun) was calculated. The graphs of potential energy at points near each planet (the potential pit of the planet) have been studied using computer tools of the Mathcad.

Keywords: Mathcad application software package, potential energy graph, "transplant" point, parade of planets, generalized energy picture.


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How to Cite

Mukushev, B. (2022). Energy picture of the gravitational field of the Solar system. Recent Contributions to Physics (Rec.Contr.Phys.), 83(4), 59–66.



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