Nonleptonic decay of Ω-hyperon in the framework of covariant confined quark model


  • Z.Z. Tyulemissov Бiрiккен ядролық зерттеу институты, Ресей, Дубна қ.; Ядролық физика институты, Қазақстан, Алматы қ.
  • А.Е. Tyulemissova Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, Russia, Dubna; Institute of Nuclear Physics, Kazakhstan, Almaty
  • А.N. Issadykov Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, Russia, Dubna; Institute of Nuclear Physics, Kazakhstan, Almaty



standard model, relativistic model, covariant quark model, weak decays


--hyperon is a hadron with mass МΩ =1.67245 GeV, spin JP =3/2+ and consisting of three s-quarks. The main decay channels of this baryon are the weak modes Ω- - Lambda0K- and Ω- - Xi0pi-. Experimental data from the BesIII collaboration in 2021 prompted theoretical physicists to conduct new studies of this baryon. We decided to focus on the nonleptonic mode of the weak decay Ω- - Xi0pi-. Since Ω consists of three s-quarks, it has symmetry with respect to their permutations. The decay Ω- - Xi0pi- is described by a factorizable contribution of type Ia, i.e., it can be divided into two parts: the weak baryon-baryon transition and the emission of the leptonic decay constant. As an approach to study this decay, we will use the mathematical apparatus of the covariant confined quark model, which was successfully tested on charmed and doubly charmed baryons. The covariant confined quark model makes it possible to effectively take into account the sizes of baryons and mesons involved in decay. As a result of calculations, it was shown that in a narrow range of the Ω-hyperon size parameter there is good agreement with experimental data. This result indicates that the description of nonleptonic decays of the Ω-hyperon is possible without taking into account the pole diagrams.


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Theoretical Physics. Nuclear and Elementary Particle Physics. Astrophysics