Features of crystal formation in meat samples at temperatures below the cryoscopic


  • Э.Р. Исимбaевa Al Farabi Kazakh National University, Kazakhstan, Almaty
  • А.К. Шинбaевa Al Farabi Kazakh National University, Kazakhstan, Almaty
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shock freezing, crystal formation, cryoscopic temperature


In this paper we investigate the features of crystal formation in meat samples at “shock” freezing, it shows the dynamics of a freezing of meat in various modes of low-temperature treatment. At shock freezing of 90 of all crystals of ice it is formedinside the cells at minimum damages cell membranes due to reduction of migration of moisture and the uniform distribution of crystals in intercellular space and in cages. Fast freeze removes heat more intensely. Before the migration process has time actively growing, the temperature inside the cell and fibers is sufficiently low that, in accordance with the concentration of the solution has begun crystal formation. Thus, the fast freezing leads water to the solidification without substantial redistribution moisture.


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Thermal Physics and Theoretical Thermal Engineering