Heat capacity of fullerite C60


  • M.I. Bagatskii B Verkin Institute for Low Temperature Physics of the NAS of Ukraine Lenin Ave, 47, Kharkov 61103, Ukraine
  • M.S. Barabashko B Verkin Institute for Low Temperature Physics of the NAS of Ukraine Lenin Ave, 47, Kharkov 61103, Ukraine
  • V.V. Sumarokov B Verkin Institute for Low Temperature Physics of the NAS of Ukraine Lenin Ave, 47, Kharkov 61103, Ukraine
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fullerenes, the specific heat, the crystal lattice, libration.


The heat capacity of the fullerite C60 has been investigated in the temperature interval 1–120 K using an adiabatic calorimeter. The fullerite is 99.99% pure. The sample mass is equal to about 0.6 g. Analysis of the obtained results and literature data [1-3] in the temperature range 1–300 K was carried out assuming that the translational, rotational, and intramolecular degrees of freedom make additive contributions to the heat capacity of fullerite.


1 Atake T., Tanaka T., Kawaji H., Kikuchi K., Saito S., Suzuki S., Ikemoto I., and Achiba Y. Heat capacity measurements and thermodynamic studies of the new compound C60 // Physica, C.-1991.-185 –189.-P. 427-428.

2 Beyermann W.P., Hundley M.F., Thompson J.D., Diederich F.N., Grüner G. Low-Temperature Specific Heat of C60 // Phys. Rev. Lett.-1992.-68, N 13. -P. 2046–2049.

3 Lipin A. S., Mavrin B. N. Lattice dynamics of the orientationally ordered crystal C60 // Phys. Stat. Sol. B.-1993.-177.-P.85–93.


How to Cite

Bagatskii, M., Barabashko, M., & Sumarokov, V. (2015). Heat capacity of fullerite C60. Recent Contributions to Physics (Rec.Contr.Phys.), 50(3), 31–33. Retrieved from https://bph.kaznu.kz/index.php/zhuzhu/article/view/805



Condensed Matter Physics and Materials Science Problems. NanoScience