Bipolizator from the Icelandic spar
hertzian waves, crystal, quantum electronics, биполяризатор, interference, laser, polarization, interferometerAbstract
The theory of cooperation of hertzian waves with substances in fundamental research presents both theoretical and practical interest. An analysis and synthesis of the optical systems from monaxonic crystals show the important value of their application in the optical-electronic devices of transmission, distribution and treatment of information. One of interesting on the functional possibilities of the crystal optical systems is bipolizator (BP). In the real work the method of calculation of motion of hertzian waves is shown in bipolizator and feature of origin of interference pictures on the exit of bipolizator . Using bipolizator in a laser radiation, by means of interference of the hertzian waves formed to them on an exit it is possible with greater exactness to define locations small longitudinal displacement and corner of turns of objects. Thus on a base bipolizator it is possible to create a number of laser polarization interferometric devices using in various directions coherent optics.
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