Ion synthesis and properties of the films of silicon carbide and carbon


  • N. B. Beisenkhanov Казахстанско-Британский технический университет
  • I. K. Beisembetov
  • K. Kh. Nussupov
  • S. K. Zharikov
  • B. K. Kenzhaliev
  • T. K. Akhmetov
  • B. Zh. Seitov
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silicon carbide, ion implantation, structure, crystallization


A linear behavior of an decrease of number of Si-C-bonds in homogeneous layers of silicon carbide in silicon with an increase of duration of isothermal (1200С) annealing evident about independence of the SiC decay rate on the depth of the oxidation front. The shift of the minimum of the peak of IR transmission up to to 820 cm-1, the decrease of the amplitude of the LO-phonon peak and its subsequent disappearance in IR spectra during long-term annealing are explained by the small sizes of crystallites. The parameters of diamond-like carbon film deposited by magnetron sputtering are determined by X-ray reflectometry.


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How to Cite

Beisenkhanov, N. B., Beisembetov, I. K., Nussupov, K. K., Zharikov, S. K., Kenzhaliev, B. K., Akhmetov, T. K., & Seitov, B. Z. (2013). Ion synthesis and properties of the films of silicon carbide and carbon. Recent Contributions to Physics (Rec.Contr.Phys.), 46(3), 27–36. Retrieved from



Condensed Matter Physics and Materials Science Problems. NanoScience