On the development of transversal competencies of students of physical and technical specialties



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transversal competencies, systemic-synergistic approach, practice-oriented training, convergence, problem-solving methodology


The features of the formation of transversal competencies among students of physical and technical specialties are considered. The necessary elements for the formation of transversal competencies, such as self-awareness, value orientations, interpersonal and social relationships, relative independence in relation to the outside world and responsibility for one’s actions have been identified. It has been established that transversal competencies are interdisciplinary in nature. It is shown that systemic-synergetic and convergent approaches can be used in the formation of transversal competencies. It has been established that independent educational and methodological activity is a fundamental element in the formation of transversal competencies. Using the example of practical classes in the discipline “Diffusion instability in multicomponent gaseous media”, studied by undergraduates of the educational program “Technical Physics”, the development of transversal competencies in students through the use of problem-solving methodology is shown. In the example under consideration, the problem-solving methodology used to develop transversal competencies involves the implementation of eight stages of work. The implementation of each stage of work involves the development of certain transversal competencies. It has been established that transversal competencies developed in this way during the implementation of practice-oriented training will contribute to the adaptation of master's graduates to rapidly changing situations. The latter assumes that the transversal competencies formed during the learning process will allow graduates of the master's program to transfer the acquired knowledge to a specific situation.


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How to Cite

Moldabekova, M. ., Fedorenko, O. ., Mukamedenkyzy, V. ., & Asembaeva, M. . (2023). On the development of transversal competencies of students of physical and technical specialties. Recent Contributions to Physics (Rec.Contr.Phys.), 87(4), 36–43. https://doi.org/10.26577/RCPh.2023.v87.i4.05



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