Study of behavior nanoclusters of ethanol in cryomatrix nitrogen depending on the temperature and concentration
trans-gouch-конверсия, recondensates, polyaggregates, monomer, dimer, cryomatrix, IR, ethanol, cryocondensates, trans-gouch-conversionAbstract
Earlier research molecular processes recondensation ethanol cryomatrix nitrogen on to the substrate found that the state of the molecules of ethanol in the matrix is not stable. A slight increase of temperature of the solid nitrogen long before its sublimation changes the vibrational spectrum of the bicomponent film ethanolnitrogen. The results of study of this phenomenon are presented here. The measurements were carried out in the temperature range 12-40K at the initial vacuum in the chamber of at least 10-8 Torr. The concentration of ethanol in nitrogen was from0.5% to 3%.References
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11 Drobyshev A., Aldiyarov A, Kurnosov V., Tokmoldin N. Thermally stimulated transformations in cryovacoom water ices // Low Temperature Physics. – 2007. – vol. 33. – p. 355.
12 Aldiyarov A., Aryutkina M., Drobyshev A., Kaikanov M., Kurnosov V. Investigation of dynamic glass transitons and structural transformations in cryovacuum condensates of ethanol // Low Temperature Physics. – 2009. – vol. 35. – p. 251.
13 Hirabayashi Sh. and Koichi M. T. Yamada. Infrared spectra of water clusters in krypton and xenon matrices// J. Chem. Phys. 2005. vol.122. p.244501.
14 Hirabayashi Sh., Ohno K., and Yamada K. Infrared spectra of the water-nitrogen complexes (H2O)2-(N2)n(n=1-4) in argon matrices// J. Chem. Phys. 2005. vol.122. p.194506.
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17 Coussan S., Bouteiller Y., Perchard J.P., Zheng W.Q. Rotational Isomerism of Ethanol and Matrix Isolation Infrared Spectroscopy // The Journal of Chemical Physics. – 1998. – vol. 102. – p. 5789.
18 Larsen R., Zielke Ph., and Suhm M. Hydrogen-bonded OH stretching modes of methanol clusters: A combined IR and Raman isotopomer study// J. Chem. Phys. 2007. vol.126. p.194307.
19 Wasserman T., Suhm M. Ethanol monomers and dimers revisited: A Raman study of conformational preferences and argon nanocoating effects // The Journal of Chemical Physics. 2010. – vol. 114. p. 8223
20 Zielke P., Suhm M.Concerted proton motion in hydrogen-bonded trimers: A spontaneous Raman scattering perspective // The Journal of Chemical Physics. – 2006. – vol. 8. – p. 2826.
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22 Manzhelii V. G., Freiman Y. A.. Physics of Cryocrystals, AIP, New York -1997.
How to Cite
Kurnosov, V., Katpaeva, K., Sokolov, D., & Kubetaeva, A. (2014). Study of behavior nanoclusters of ethanol in cryomatrix nitrogen depending on the temperature and concentration. Recent Contributions to Physics (Rec.Contr.Phys.), 48(1), 15–22. Retrieved from
Condensed Matter Physics and Materials Science Problems. NanoScience