Transformations in cryovacuum condensates of ethanol comparison with bulk samples


  • D. Sokolov IETP, Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Kazakhstan, Almaty
  • V. Kurnosov IETP, Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Kazakhstan, Almaty
  • K. Katpaeva IETP, Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Kazakhstan, Almaty
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One of the interesting properties of ethanol is its polymorphism, representing different solid phases below the melting point of159K: structural(amorphous) glass obtained by quenching over the cooled liquid below the glass transition temperature g =97K;plastic crystal, which moves to the orientationally disordered crystals upon cooling belowTg =97K;ordered(monoclinic) crystal. This paper presents the IR spectra of differentstructural andphase statesof ethanol atthe appropriate temperatureranges.


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How to Cite

Sokolov, D., Kurnosov, V., & Katpaeva, K. (2014). Transformations in cryovacuum condensates of ethanol comparison with bulk samples. Recent Contributions to Physics (Rec.Contr.Phys.), 49(2), 42–47. Retrieved from



Thermal Physics and Theoretical Thermal Engineering

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