The structure of silicon carbide films synthesized by magnetron sputtering


  • K.Kh. Nussupov Kazakh-British Technical University, Almaty, Kazakhstan
  • N.B. Beisenkhanov Kazakh-British Technical University, Almaty, Kazakhstan
  • D.I. Bakranova Kazakh-British Technical University, Almaty, Kazakhstan
  • K. Symaiyl Kazakh-British Technical University, Almaty, Kazakhstan
  • B.Zh. Seitov International Kazakh-Turkish Khodja Ahmed Yasawi University, Turkestan, Kazakhstan
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Silicon, semiconductor, silicon carbide, crystallization, magnetron sputtering


This paper is devoted to the synthesis of solid silicon carbide (SiCx) films on the surface of single-crystal silicon (c-Si) with a thin interlayer of amorphous silicon (a-Si) by magnetron sputtering and to establish new regularities in the influence of heat treatment on composition, crystallization processes and structure of layers. A principal difference between this method of synthesis and the traditionally used magnetron sputtering is the 13.56 MHz high-frequency magnetron sputtering of a silicon target and a graphite target. In the deposition mode: rf - 150 W, 13.56 MHz; Ar - 2.4 l/h, 0.4 Pa; 100°C, 10800 s, an amorphous SiСх film with a high density of ~ 3.52 g/cm3 containing nanoclusters with a predominance of shortened SiC bonds absorbing at 860 cm-1, was obtained. Rapid annealing (970°С, 5 min, vacuum) leads to partial disintegration of clusters, an improvement in the structure of the film, the formation of α-SiC, β-SiC and Si nanocrystals and a decrease in the density of the film. Based on the data of X-ray diffraction and density of the film (3,522 and 3,397 g/cm3 before and after annealing, respectively), it was suggested that there are inclusions of diamond and dense clusters.

Author Biographies

K.Kh. Nussupov, Kazakh-British Technical University, Almaty, Kazakhstan

Head of the Nanotechnology laboratory

N.B. Beisenkhanov, Kazakh-British Technical University, Almaty, Kazakhstan

Deputy of the Nanotechnology laboratory

D.I. Bakranova, Kazakh-British Technical University, Almaty, Kazakhstan

Senior Researcher, Laboratory of nanotechnology


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How to Cite

Nussupov, K., Beisenkhanov, N., Bakranova, D., Symaiyl, K., & Seitov, B. (2018). The structure of silicon carbide films synthesized by magnetron sputtering. Recent Contributions to Physics (Rec.Contr.Phys.), 67(4), 93–99. Retrieved from



Condensed Matter Physics and Materials Science Problems. NanoScience