Facile method of synthesis of cobalt oxide nanoparticles for formation of supercapacitor electrodes with high specific capacitance


  • Zh.K. Kalkozova Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, National Nanotechnology Laboratory of Open Type, Almaty, Kazakhstan https://orcid.org/0000-0002-4826-1678
  • А.А. Migunova Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, National Nanotechnology Laboratory of Open Type, Almaty, Kazakhstan 2Satbayev University, Physico-Technical Institute, Almaty, Kazakhstan https://orcid.org/0000-0001-5544-6905
  • А.S. Serikkanov Satbayev University, Physico-Technical Institute; National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan under the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Almaty, Kazakhstan https://orcid.org/0000-0001-6817-9586
  • Kh.А. Abdullin Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, National Nanotechnology Laboratory of Open Type, Almaty, Kazakhstan https://orcid.org/0000-0002-2729-2272


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supercapacitors, electrodes, cobalt oxide, synthesis


Electrochemical energy storage systems have a wide range of applications, including large-scale storage of energy generated by alternative green energy, as well as in electric vehicles and portable electronics. For the operation of electrochemical energy storage systems, supercapacitors play an important role in protecting such systems from failure during power surges. Hybrid metal oxide supercapacitors, particularly those based on cobalt oxide, are promising devices and are intensively investigated. In the present work, a simple method for synthesizing cobalt oxide nanoparticles to form supercapacitor electrodes with high specific capacitance is developed. The method includes synthesis of metastable Zn-Co-O solid solution as an intermediate material. The specific capacitance of the obtained 1 cm2 electrodes was 467.8 F g-1 in CV characteristic measurement and scan rate of 3 mV s-1, 379 F g-1 in GCD method at discharge current of 1 A g-1 and 415 F g-1 in EIS measurement at 0.01 Hz.

Author Biographies

Zh.K. Kalkozova, Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, National Nanotechnology Laboratory of Open Type, Almaty, Kazakhstan

Cand. of Phys. and Math. Sc., Ass.Prof., email: zhanar.kalkozova@kaznu.edu.kz

А.А. Migunova, Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, National Nanotechnology Laboratory of Open Type, Almaty, Kazakhstan 2Satbayev University, Physico-Technical Institute, Almaty, Kazakhstan

Researcher, email: anastassiya migunova@gmail.com

А.S. Serikkanov, Satbayev University, Physico-Technical Institute; National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan under the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Almaty, Kazakhstan

Cand. of Phys. and Math. Sc., email: a.serikkanov@satbayev.university

Kh.А. Abdullin, Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, National Nanotechnology Laboratory of Open Type, Almaty, Kazakhstan

corresponding author, Doc. of Phys. and Math. Sc., Prof., email: kh.abdullin@physics.kz


How to Cite

Kalkozova Ж. ., Migunova А. ., Serikkanov А. ., & Abdullin Х. . (2024). Facile method of synthesis of cobalt oxide nanoparticles for formation of supercapacitor electrodes with high specific capacitance. Recent Contributions to Physics (Rec.Contr.Phys.), 89(2), 34–41. https://doi.org/10.26577/RCPh.2024v89i2-05



Condensed Matter Physics and Materials Science Problems. NanoScience