Implementation of the method of deep level transient spectroscopy as a laboratory experiment for higher education students
deep level transient spectroscopy, impurity, relaxation, capture, emissionAbstract
The manuscript describes the method of deep level transient spectroscopy (DLTS) as applied to the laboratory experiment for students specializing in the fields of semiconductor materials and devices at higher education institutions. The technique is employed to study deep impurity levels in barrier structures or p-n junctions. The main advantage of this method is its high sensitivity. Other advantages include the abilities to study the processes of capture and emission of charge carriers from deep level traps, to investigate the behavior of defects and their nature, to determine the parameters of deep levels such as activation energy, capture cross section and concentration, as well as to determine the type of charge carrier traps. As part of the demonstration of this technique results of the standard DLTS measurements using silicon and germanium diodes obtained using a DLS spectrometer are presented. Based on the material presented in the manuscript development of laboratory teaching aids is possible. The use of this technique as part of the laboratory experiment at higher education institutions will enable the students to develop a wide range of theoretical and experimental skills in the field of semiconductor physics.
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