Investigation of reflective characteristics of nitrogen oxide and ethanol cryocondensates
Vacuum, nitrous oxide, ethanol, IR spectra, cryocondensate, Kelvin, substrateAbstract
This paper presents experimental results of studies of the reflective characteristics of cryocondensates of nitrous oxide and ethanol in the temperature range T=16-130K. IR spectrometric data were obtained in the frequency range 400-4200 cm-1. The influence of the temperature of heating of thin films of nitrous oxide and ethanol cryocondensates on the shape and position of absorption bands corresponding to the deformation and longitudinal vibrations of the nitrous oxide molecule and the OH bond of the ethanol molecule is studied. Investigations of the influence of the condensation temperature for nitrous oxide and ethanol on structural transitions in cryocondensates were carried out. The feature of the position of the absorption bands on the thermally stimulated transformations in the cryocondensates of thin films is revealed, depending on the condensation temperature of the samples.The main parameters of the measurements were as follows: condensation temperature T = 16 K at initial vacuum in the chamber P=10-6 Torr. We used nitrous oxide (purity 99.99%) and ethanol (purity 99.99%) as the test substances.
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