Мodification of electronic properties of films and Bi-AS40S30Se30


  • N.G. Almasov IETP, Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Kazakhstan, Almaty
  • O.Yu. Prikhodko IETP, Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Kazakhstan, Almaty
  • N.E. Korobova IETP, Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Kazakhstan, Almaty
  • S.A. Dusembayev IETP, Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Kazakhstan, Almaty
  • K.D. Tsendin A.F. Ioffe Physico-Technical Institute, St. Petersburg, Russia
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amorphous semiconductor films, ion-plasma spraying, chalcogenide glassy semiconductors (CGS), conductivity


In this paper we study the electronic properties of amorphous films of As40S30Se30 modified Bi at. %. We determined the temperature dependence of conductivity, conductivity at room temperature, the activation energy of conductivity and optical band gap. After modifying the electronic parameters of Bi films vary considerably depending on the concentration.


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How to Cite

Almasov, N., Prikhodko, O., Korobova, N., Dusembayev, S., & Tsendin, K. (2018). Мodification of electronic properties of films and Bi-AS40S30Se30. Recent Contributions to Physics (Rec.Contr.Phys.), 40(1), 8–11. Retrieved from https://bph.kaznu.kz/index.php/zhuzhu/article/view/671



Condensed Matter Physics and Materials Science Problems. NanoScience