Кілттік сөздер:
quantum systemsАннотация
The nearest-neighbor level spacing distribution is numerically investigated by direct diagonalizing a disordered Anderson Hamiltonians for quantum systems. The level statistics scaling is examined near the metal-insulator transition and the correlation exponent is found. We suggest a new universal level spacing distribution at the critical point of the transition, which is related to the multifractality of the electron wavefunctions.Библиографиялық сілтемелер
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5. Efetov K.B., Supersymmetry in disorder and chaos. Cambridge University Press, 1999, Pp. xiii + 441.
6. Zharekeshev I.Kh., Kramer B., Numerical-scaling study of the statistics of energy levels at the Anderson transition, in book: Statistical and Dynamical Aspects of Mesoscopic Physics, Editors D. Reguera, G. Platero, L.L. Bonilla, and J.M. Rubi, Lecture Notes in Physics 547,
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2. Zharekeshev I. Kh. and Kramer B., Asymptotics of Universal Probability of Neighboring Spacings at the Anderson Transition, Phys. Rev. Lett. 1997, 79, 717-721.
3. Shklovskii B.I., Shapiro B., B. R. Sears B.R., Lambrianides P., and H. B. Shore H.B., Statistics of spectra of disordered systems near the metal-insulator transition, Phys. Rev. B, 1993, 47, 17, p. 11487-11491.
4. Zharekeshev I. Kh. and Kramer B., Universal Fluctuations in Spectra of Disordered Systems at the Anderson Transition, Japanese. J. Appl. Phys.,1995, 34, 4361-4366.
5. Efetov K.B., Supersymmetry in disorder and chaos. Cambridge University Press, 1999, Pp. xiii + 441.
6. Zharekeshev I.Kh., Kramer B., Numerical-scaling study of the statistics of energy levels at the Anderson transition, in book: Statistical and Dynamical Aspects of Mesoscopic Physics, Editors D. Reguera, G. Platero, L.L. Bonilla, and J.M. Rubi, Lecture Notes in Physics 547,
(Springer-Verlag, Berlin 2000) p. 237-251.
Как цитировать
Zharekeshev, I. K. (2009). UNIVERSAL STATISTICS OF ENERGY LEVELS AT THE METAL-INSULATOR TRANSITION. ҚазНУ Хабаршысы. Физика сериясы, 31(4), 56–60. вилучено із https://bph.kaznu.kz/index.php/zhuzhu/article/view/226
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