
  • T. I. Taubayev НИИЭТФ, Казахский национальный университет им. аль-Фараби
  • V. E. Nikulin
  • Ye. T. Taubayev
  • K. K. Dikhanbayev
        24 21


the anodization process


The layers of nanoporous silicon are formed by using the method of electrochemical anodization on the surface of silicon polished wafers with the surface highly-doped n+ layer. The layers were fabricated at the constant direct current using the anodization process and at the current, which varies according to the certain time law. The electrochemical anodization was performed in the standard cell and by using capillary method, as well. The dependence of the spectral reflection index on various of layer preparation (current density, etching time and the time dependence of the current density) is investigated.


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Condensed Matter Physics and Materials Science Problems. NanoScience