Stability of Water Nanoclusters in Nitrogen Cryomatrix


  • V. Kurnosov НИИЭТФ, Казахский национальный университет им. Аль-Фараби
  • K. Katpayeva
  • D. Sokolov
        137 23


nitroge, cryomatrix, water, polyaggregates water, monomers, dimers, IR spectrum,


Studied two-component water-nitrogen film for stability of water nanoclusters in nitrogen cryomatrix. Based on the analysis of the reflection spectra of samples formed by condensation of a water – nitrogen, we assume that the matrix contains nitrogen polyaggregates water. These water molecules that form polyaggregates not connected by hydrogen bonds to neighboring molecules and form a set of quasi-free water molecules with the corresponding absorption bands in the near-surface zone clusters. Raising the temperature reduces the amplitude of the matrix absorption at these ranges. Measurements in the temperature range from 12 K to 40 K with base pressure in the chamber below 2×10-8 Torr were carried out. Concentration of water in nitrogen ranged from 0.5% to 3%. The methodology of obtaining information about state of water in N2-matrix was based on analysis of amplitudes of absorption bands corresponding to vibrations of free water molecules, which indicates the presence of monomers and/or dimers of water


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How to Cite

Kurnosov, V., Katpayeva, K., & Sokolov, D. (2014). Stability of Water Nanoclusters in Nitrogen Cryomatrix. Recent Contributions to Physics (Rec.Contr.Phys.), 48(1), 23–28. Retrieved from



Condensed Matter Physics and Materials Science Problems. NanoScience

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