About the possibility of creating a new cosmogeophysical method of forecasting seismic processes in the earth crast with the registration of muons of cosmic origin and acoustic noise


  • Zh.Sh. Zhantaev JSC "NCITC". Almaty, Kazakhstan
  • K.M. Mukashev Kazakh National University al-Farabi, Almaty, Kazakhstan
  • A.D. Muradov Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Kazakstan, Almaty
  • T.Kh. Sadykov Physico-Technical Institute of JSC «NNTKh Parasat». Almaty, Kazakhstan
  • G.Ya. Khachikyan Institute of the ionosphere JSC «NCKIT», Almaty, Kazakhstan
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cosmic rays, muons, seismic, earth crust, earthquake forecast, parametric antenna


The possibility of the action of high-energy muons on a seismically active medium is considered. If the voltage of this medium is close to the critical destruction threshold, an instantaneous voltage drop can occur. As a result, the stream of cosmic rays can provoke an earthquake. Proceeding from this, it is possible to propose the idea of ​​a new cosmogeophysical method of short-term forecast of strong earthquakes. This method can be implemented on the basis of the experimental high-altitude complex "ATHLET" (Almatau Three Level Experiment Technique) near Almaty with the use of sensitive parametric acoustic antennas of the ultrasonic range. The complex "ATHLET" is located on three levels 800, 1400 and 3340m. Each level is equipped with ground and underground installations for recording the muon component of cosmic rays. The muon registration is carried out synchronously on all installations together with an acoustic detector. The delay between the muon and acoustic signals is determined by the time delay required to propagate the elastic oscillations of the earth's crust from the source of the earthquake to the acoustic detector. It depends on the speed of propagation of elastic vibrations through the earth's crust and the distance to the source of the earthquake. By these parameters, it is possible to estimate the distance to the source of the earthquake.


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How to Cite

Zhantaev, Z., Mukashev, K., Muradov, A., Sadykov, T., & Khachikyan, G. (2017). About the possibility of creating a new cosmogeophysical method of forecasting seismic processes in the earth crast with the registration of muons of cosmic origin and acoustic noise. Recent Contributions to Physics (Rec.Contr.Phys.), 63(4), 37–46. Retrieved from https://bph.kaznu.kz/index.php/zhuzhu/article/view/910



Nonlinear Physics. Radiophysics

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