a photovoltaic heliosystem, spectrumAbstract
The methods for enhancing the operation efficiency of a photovoltaic heliosystem using concentrated solar radiation are considered. The concept of energy conversion of solar spectrum is proposed based on the monolith setup for a simultaneous gain of both the thermal and the electric power. A comparative estimate for the prime cost of 1 W peak power of the autonomous heat & photovoltaic system by the use of components from both domestic and international producers is performed. A possibility for creating a manufacturing/educational cluster for teaching the fundamentals of solar energetic for masters and bachelors is discussed.References
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2. Coventry J.S. Performance of a concentrating photovoltaic/thermal solar collector // Solar Energy. 2005. - Vol. 78. - P. 211–222.
3. Fernandez-Reche J., Sanchez M., Alonso M, et al. Concentrating PV: An alternative to calorimeters for measuring high solar flux densities // Jour of Solar Energy Engineering - Transactions of the ASME. – 2010. – Vol.130. – P.044502.
4. Sonneveld, P.J., Swinkels B., van Tuijl A.J., et al. Performance of a concentrated photovoltaic energy system with static linear Fresnel lenses // Solar Energy. – 2011. – Vol.85. – P. 432-442.
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7. Zhao J.F., Song Y.C., Lam W.H., et al. Solar radiation transfer and performance analysis of an optimum photovoltaic/thermal system // Energy Conversion and Managment. - 2011. - Vol.52. - P. 1343-1353.
8. Ji J., Lu J.P., Chow T.T., He W. and Pei G. A sensitivity study of a hybrid photovoltaic / thermal water-heating system with natural circulation // Appl. Energy.- 2007. – Vol. 84. - P. 222– 237.
9. Tripanagnostopoulos Y. Aspects and improvements of hybrid photovoltaic/thermal solar energy systems // Solar Energy. – 2007. – Vol. 81. - P. 1117–1131.
10.Антощенко В.С., Лаврищев О.А. Однопереходный фотопреобразователь концентрированного излучения // Предварительный патент РК №19500 приор.17.11.2006.
11.Антощенко В.С., Лаврищев О.А. Однопереходный фотопреобразователь концентрированного излучения // Предварительный патент РК №20350 приор.05.06.2007.
12.Антощенко В.С., Лаврищев О.А. Способ формирования контактного рисунка // Инновационный патент РК №20593 приор.12.11.2007.
How to Cite
Antoshenko, V. S., Francev, Y. V., Zharekeshev, I. K., Lavrishchev, O. A., & Antoshenko, E. V. (2011). THERMAL PHOTOELECTRIC SYSTEM BASED ON CONCENTRATOR SOLAR ELEMENTS. Recent Contributions to Physics (Rec.Contr.Phys.), 39(4), 3–8. Retrieved from
Condensed Matter Physics and Materials Science Problems. NanoScience