Decrease in optical losses in solar devices on the basis of gallium arsenide


  • S. M. Manakov НИИЭТФ, КазНУ им. аль-Фараби, Республика Казахстан
  • R. R. Dikhanbayev НИИЭТФ, КазНУ им. аль-Фараби, Республика Казахстан
  • T. I. Taurbayev НИИЭТФ, КазНУ им. аль-Фараби, Республика Казахстан
  • M. Auyelkhankyzy Институт Проблем Горения
  • Z. A. Mansurov Институт Проблем Горения
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gallium arsenide, a solar device, the electron-hole transition, Schottky barrier, nanoparticles,


An efficient antireflection coating is critical for the improvement of solar cell performance via increased light trapping. In this paper findings of investigation of solar cells based on GaAs with thin film of silicon nitride as antireflection coating are presented. Control samples were Schottky junction solar cells fabricated from experimental GaAs solar cells by chemical etching of antireflection coating and p-type upper emitter layer and chemical deposition Au thin film on n – type GaAs surface. Frontal surfaces both p-n junction and Schottky junction solar cells were covered by nanoparticles of nickel oxide synthesized in counter flow propane-oxygen flame on the surface of nichrome wire. Nanoparticles had the characteristic size of 50-300 nm depending on synthesis conditions and were sprayed on a solar cell surface. It is found that the nickel oxide nanoparticles have significant influence on the antireflection effect and, therefore, improve the solar cell performance. Optimum nanoparticles surface concentrations appropriating to maximal short-circuit current was detected. It is shown that the coating from nickel oxide increases efficiency of solar cells by to 4,7 % due to light scattering on them and magnification of a number of photons absorbed in the active region of solar cell.


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Condensed Matter Physics and Materials Science Problems. NanoScience

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