Using VR for the virtual physics laboratory «Determining the moment of inertia for a ball»


  • Ye.A. Daineko International University of Information Technologies, Institute of Applied Sciences and Information Technologies, Kazakhstan, Almaty
  • M.T. Ipalakova International University of Information Technologies, Kazakhstan, Almaty
  • N.T. Duzbaev International University of Information Technologies, Kazakhstan, Almaty
  • D.D. Tsoy International University of Information Technologies, Kazakhstan, Almaty
  • A.M. Seytnur International University of Information Technologies, Kazakhstan, Almaty
  • A.Ye. Mishina International University of Information Technologies, Kazakhstan, Almaty
  • D.K. Zhenisov International University of Information Technologies, Kazakhstan, Almaty

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Кілттік сөздер:

физика, білім беру, виртуалды шындық, виртуалды зертхана, Unity, C#


The article discusses the use of virtual reality technology in education. The main goal of the study is
to provide students with a convenient, useful and interesting source of knowledge for studying physics.
The analysis of the use of various innovative developments in the field of education was conducted. It is
shown that virtual reality is a promising tool for educational use, allowing you to create a safe, affordable
and flexible environment for studying various processes. While working in virtual reality, a user receives
all the necessary information in an unusual, but very visual form. In the article the authors present a
software application using virtual reality technology for studying the moment of inertia of a ball. The
application is made in the form of laboratory work with the possibility to conduct a virtual experiment.
For clarity, the article provides screenshots of the application scenes; the application logic is given in the
form of a UML activity diagram. The cross-platform Unity 3D was chosen as the development environment,
which implements the principle of WORA (write once, run anywhere). Thanks to this principle,
once written application can be built for personal computers, mobile devices, helmets of mixed reality
and many other platforms. As a virtual reality device, the Leap Motion controller was used. The application
functionality was written in the C # programming language. Graphic models were created using
Substance Painter. The developed application can be used by high school students of secondary and
specialized schools, students of technical specialties of higher educational institutions, as well as any
interested users.

Библиографиялық сілтемелер

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Как цитировать

Daineko, Y., Ipalakova, M., Duzbaev, N., Tsoy, D., Seytnur, A., Mishina, A., & Zhenisov, D. (2020). Using VR for the virtual physics laboratory «Determining the moment of inertia for a ball». ҚазНУ Хабаршысы. Физика сериясы, 73(2), 90–96.



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